How do I start my self-build project?

Thinking about starting a new project, but not sure where to start?

If you are thinking of starting a self-build project, we understand that it can often feel daunting and you might not quite know where to begin. The team here at Studio BAD have over 50 years’ collective architectural experience designing self-build houses and extensions; we are perfectly placed to help you understand the process a little deeper to ensure you get your project started on the right foot.

Here we sharing some of the most FAQ’s we get from clients at the start of the process, but do get in touch if you have any further questions that we have not covered here.


How do I find a suitable plot of land or property?

If you don’t already have a property that you are looking to transform, then this is a good starting point. This is not always an easy process to find a suitable site, if you haven’t already we would suggest you narrow down your geographical search area and use online databases (for plots of land you can use PlotBrowser). It can also help to get friendly with local estate agents, to help you find that perfect site that can be transformed to perfectly suit you.

Ideally don’t buy any land before you have planning approval in place. Once you have found a potential site, this is a good time to speak with an architect or specialist planning consultant. This gives you an opportunity to check for any restrictions which might impinge on your vision, and arrange to a purchase subject to planning approval.

How much will a self build cost?

Before you commit to buying any property or land, and before you engage with architects too deeply, it is wise to put a realistic budget together on what you have to deliver your project. A very rough guide for a standard domestic construction can cost anywhere between £2,500 and £5,000 + per square meter, depending on the work involved, the level of the finish, complication of the scheme and the quality of the finished fixtures.

Do remember to keep around 15 – 20% in the budget for contingency. This is essential for any unexpected issues, even with the most well experienced team there will be some surprises along the way, especially when working with an existing property.


How do I design a house?

Once you have your site and budget sorted, it is now time to think properly about what you want to achieve. Obviously, it is good to understand the practical needs of the property, such as number of bedrooms, bathrooms and if you need any space to work from.

We would also suggest you think about how you want to live, and how this might adapt over time. For example, do you like open plan kitchens that form a social hub of the house, or do you prefer keeping the kitchen mess out of sight from the rest of the home? If you have children, it is worth planning for their evolving needs; a home suitable for living with a toddler is very different to living with a teenager. A good design should build in flexibility, so the property can support your needs easily as they change over time.

The better idea you have of what you want to achieve, the easier the design process will be. If you are not sure exactly what you want the end result to be, we would strongly suggest you take some time to consider this properly, as otherwise it can create a long and costly design process to get to a point you are comfortable with.

Do I need to work with an architect?

Although you don’t technically need to work with an architect, we strongly advise that you do for most projects. If the scheme is quite simple to explain and doesn’t need high degree of design work, then you might be able to work directly with a skilled contractor and get results you are happy with.

If your vision is more complex, either looking to design a new home or reimagine an existing property, the years of training an architect undertakes can ensure we can get the most from the design, increasing the value of the property in terms of personal value and monetary value. An architect can unlock the potential of a property, or site, to create a home that perfectly fits your needs and maximises the potential of its setting.

When looking for an architect we believe it is important to look for a team who have relevant experience to your project. For example, if you are looking to add a basement extension or are working on a listed heritage building (read more about working on listed building here), it is best if you can work with a team who already have completed experience of these complex projects.

As designing your dream home can be an emotional project, it is important that you actually like and enjoy working with your architect! We would always advise you to work with someone who’s design work you admire, but also that you want to spend the next 6 / 12 months talking to.


What other benefits are there of working with an architect?  

Architects don’t just help create a beautifully designed homes and buildings, there is so much more that they can do to support your self-build project to make the process easier at each step.

During the planning process an experienced architectural team can help guide you, this is especially important if there should be any issues or objections to the application. The designs might need to be revised, or the application might be taken to planning appeal and then the architectural team will be able to systematically approach this to help achieve a positive outcome.

Architects’ co-ordinate other professionals needed on your project, such as the structural engineers, party wall surveyors and building control, ensuring all aspects of design are brought together and the design meets with building regulations and local restrictions.

At the tender process your architect can help you to reviewing contractor quotes, to check all aspects of the build are included as you might expect, to help you understand which option might be the best fit for you and your project.

Throughout the onsite construction stages having an architect involved can be hugely beneficial. By closely collaborating with your contractor, they can check the build is progressing in line with the design, to make sure the finished product turns out just as you imagined it. Additionally, they can be help to deal with any unexpected changes which often happen during a build, helping to quickly resolve design complications or material changes, so the end design is still in line with the concept designs.


If you are looking to start a self build project get in touch to see how we can help, at Studio BAD we are a talented team that are as excited in your project as you are.

How we secured planning for The Granary

Last month we finally secured planning for the plans to amend The Granary in the New Forest, we often find planning isn’t difficult to secure for our clients however this project was a little harder to achieve due to its setting within listed building curtilage (it is a heritage asset not listed building status itself). We felt it might be an interesting tale to share, to show the importance design, perseverance and communications can have on a project.

From the onset we knew it might be a tricky scheme to get over the line, as pervious planning applications had stated that the retention of the open bays on the ground level were essential as an intrinsic aspect to the character of the building. However, from investigating the project, working with planning specialists and talking to the local neighbours and council members, we felt we might be able to design something that everyone could agree on.

The property itself does not have an individual listed status, but the building is set within the curtilage of a grade II listed farmhouse and barn, which had to be taken into consideration when preparing the design within the sensitive site. You can read more about working on listed and heritage buildings here.

Our careful design introduced glazing to create an infill to two of the open bay sections, to create a larger living and kitchen space on the ground floor and allowing for an additional bedroom to be created on the first floor. The glazing highlighted the change as a modern addition, preserving the character and appearance of the original scheme.

The initial planning permission refusal was going to be refused, based on the conservation officers concern over the impact this work would have on the character and appearance of the property. We reviewed the comments and refined our design, removing aspects like a Juliette balcony on the first floor and changing the roof light on the side extension to be flush to reduce its visual impact.

Unfortunately, this modified design proposal was still going to be refused, so we took it to a committee where members of the Council took their vote and the permission was granted having won by majority. Taking this route was not an option we take lightly, as we respect the planning department especially in terms of preserving our architectural heritage, but we felt this design had carefully worked with the existing building and would not be detrimental to the heritage of the building. The changes would also allow the owners to stay in the home they loved, rather than out growing the two-bedroom property and having to move.

Alongside working this design work, we also worked to speak to the local council, local authority and neighbours to garner their thoughts and approval of the scheme. The neighbours were actively supportive of the scheme throughout the process, some even spoke at the committee meeting in favour of the plans. This pro-active dialogue with authorities was vital at the planning post-submission stage, to show the sympathetic design was essential for the owners and was approved by those local to the site.

Get in touch if you have a heritage or listed project you might need help achieving planning on.

Solent University Collaboration

We are really excited to have teamed up with Solent University and Mettricks, collaborating on a project for the second year graphics students at the University which looks at ways to help reposition the city.

Southampton is a city rich in culture from both the past and present. There is so much to love from the architecture to the music, to the food – there’s nowhere quite like it. Although not everyone thinks this way, and we want to show them Southampton is a place to be proud of!

Looking at ways to help reposition Southampton away from its current perceived image; to make it relevant to its current residents and visitors. The project is to create a poster campaign that showcases the cities creativity and culture, to make it somewhere we can all be proud to belong to.

The work will focuse on key areas of the city, including: Arrival/Departure (the docks, train station, airport), Nature, Heritage, Literature, Sport, Music, Theatre, Art.

We cannot wait to see the results from this inspiring work later this year.

Can an architect save me money?

Darren Bray was asked by Homebuilding & Renovating magazine, to share his thoughts about how working with an Architect can save you money, published in the March 2025 edition – you can read the full article here.

Can an architect save me money?

In short yes, they can. With their year of training, and experience working on construction projects, architect have invaluable knowledge that they can pass on to you, to help streamline your project, minimize mistakes and ensure you get the most value for your investment.

One of the most significant areas where an architect can help save money is by reducing your construction time onsite. As part of the working stage process, your architect will produce technical drawings for the construction team, this clarity ensures your contractor knows exactly what to build, reducing the opportunity for costly mistakes, misunderstandings or unexpected redesigns during the build process. They can also help assess construction and material costs, to make sure you’re getting a fair deal without compromising quality or safety.

An architect will be able to lower the running costs of your home through detailed work to improve its energy efficiency. Their knowledge of materials, design and products will to help improve the energy consumption, to save you money on a day-to-day basis.

Working with an architect can also help to save you money in the long run. They are skilled at making the most out of the space you have, which can reduce the need to move from a property and increase its value. For instance, they might be able to design a new layout that adds an additional bedroom or optimises underused areas of your home, such as turning an attic or basement into valuable living space. This work can transform your home, to make it function better for your lifestyle, while also adding real long-term value.

Finally, while saving money is important, a well-designed home can also improve your quality of life. Architects don’t just focus on the technical side—they design spaces that are comfortable, functional, and tailored to your needs.

If you have any questions, or have a project you would like to disucss, do get in touch the the team here.

Build It ‘Extensions Ideas for Adding Value’ article

Build It magazine invited Darren to share his expert advice on how to add value to your property by introducing an extension. The full article looks at how with the right design, a well-designed extension can significantly enhance a property, adding value and improving functionality.

Holly Cottage is featured as one of the showcase projects within the editorial, highlighting how including future proofing into a design can add long term benefits in terms of value.


Here we share the ‘Expert Q&A‘ with Darren, to read the full article the magazine is available to buy now.

How can a homeowner determine which type of extension might add the most value to their property?

It is impossible to give a ‘one size fits all’ answer for this question, as each property is different and owners requirements vary so much. When we are working on projects we look at a mix of factors, including the existing property layout, the loft space, external space and the potential for extending, to design a cost-effective solution which will add value in terms of the owner’s lifestyle needs and the monetary value of the property.

The most cost-effective way to extend your home is by altering what is already built, for example converting the space your loft tends to be cheaper than adding an extension in terms of cost per sqm, and reconfiguring an existing layout can often unlock the space you need without having to extend and lose precious outdoor space, example Cedarwood project.

How can clients balance functionality with value-adding potential?

This depends on the purpose for the changes. If you are wanting to make changes to a property to live in long term, then we would suggest that it is better to focus on adapting the house to improve your specific lifestyle requirements, creating a more positive living space to enjoy being in, rather than just focusing on adding value.

However, if you are thinking of making changes in order to sell in the near future, then we would recommend shifting the focus to look at adaptations which will have the most impact on the property value. The key areas to look at in terms of resell tend to include, creating a spacious kitchen with space to entertain in, adding an additional bedroom and completing a thermal upgrade by looking at glazing and insulation levels to create a home with a lower running cost.


Can the quality of design and materials affect the value?

Good quality materials, fixtures and fittings can have a considerable positive impact on the long-term value of a property, as these should last longer, reducing the need for frequent repairs and maintenance, and will ensure the look and the functionality is maintained.

Are there any ‘hidden’ value boosters homeowners should consider?

Increasing natural daylight into a property can have a hugely positive impact to the feel of a space, and also reduces the constant need for artificial light and heating. It is possible to increase the opening sizes of existing windows to totally transform a room, creating a contemporary feel with higher levels of daylight, matched with improved thermal properties. If physically extending it is worth considering the placement of new glazing, skylights are a great way to draw light into a home throughout the seasons, example Holly Cottage contemporary extension.

We also recommend that the existing layout of a property is interrogated, with clever design it can be possible to maximise the potential of the internal space available, to create the space owners need without having to physically extend.


Get in touch to discuss how we can help you with your next extension project.

Planning success

We are pleased to have secured planning for a new Girl Guides Hall for the Portswood area of Southampton, Hampshire. Our sensitive design will create a new hub for the local Guides Association, to enable them to promote outdoor based actives for young people in the city, on the site of a previously demolished hall.

We now look forward to working with the client to secure funding and deliver this wonderful building in the heart of the City, you can read full details about the project here.