How do I start my self-build project?

Thinking about starting a new project, but not sure where to start?

If you are thinking of starting a self-build project, we understand that it can often feel daunting and you might not quite know where to begin. The team here at Studio BAD have over 50 years’ collective architectural experience designing self-build houses and extensions; we are perfectly placed to help you understand the process a little deeper to ensure you get your project started on the right foot.

Here we sharing some of the most FAQ’s we get from clients at the start of the process, but do get in touch if you have any further questions that we have not covered here.


How do I find a suitable plot of land or property?

If you don’t already have a property that you are looking to transform, then this is a good starting point. This is not always an easy process to find a suitable site, if you haven’t already we would suggest you narrow down your geographical search area and use online databases (for plots of land you can use PlotBrowser). It can also help to get friendly with local estate agents, to help you find that perfect site that can be transformed to perfectly suit you.

Ideally don’t buy any land before you have planning approval in place. Once you have found a potential site, this is a good time to speak with an architect or specialist planning consultant. This gives you an opportunity to check for any restrictions which might impinge on your vision, and arrange to a purchase subject to planning approval.

How much will a self build cost?

Before you commit to buying any property or land, and before you engage with architects too deeply, it is wise to put a realistic budget together on what you have to deliver your project. A very rough guide for a standard domestic construction can cost anywhere between £2,500 and £5,000 + per square meter, depending on the work involved, the level of the finish, complication of the scheme and the quality of the finished fixtures.

Do remember to keep around 15 – 20% in the budget for contingency. This is essential for any unexpected issues, even with the most well experienced team there will be some surprises along the way, especially when working with an existing property.


How do I design a house?

Once you have your site and budget sorted, it is now time to think properly about what you want to achieve. Obviously, it is good to understand the practical needs of the property, such as number of bedrooms, bathrooms and if you need any space to work from.

We would also suggest you think about how you want to live, and how this might adapt over time. For example, do you like open plan kitchens that form a social hub of the house, or do you prefer keeping the kitchen mess out of sight from the rest of the home? If you have children, it is worth planning for their evolving needs; a home suitable for living with a toddler is very different to living with a teenager. A good design should build in flexibility, so the property can support your needs easily as they change over time.

The better idea you have of what you want to achieve, the easier the design process will be. If you are not sure exactly what you want the end result to be, we would strongly suggest you take some time to consider this properly, as otherwise it can create a long and costly design process to get to a point you are comfortable with.

Do I need to work with an architect?

Although you don’t technically need to work with an architect, we strongly advise that you do for most projects. If the scheme is quite simple to explain and doesn’t need high degree of design work, then you might be able to work directly with a skilled contractor and get results you are happy with.

If your vision is more complex, either looking to design a new home or reimagine an existing property, the years of training an architect undertakes can ensure we can get the most from the design, increasing the value of the property in terms of personal value and monetary value. An architect can unlock the potential of a property, or site, to create a home that perfectly fits your needs and maximises the potential of its setting.

When looking for an architect we believe it is important to look for a team who have relevant experience to your project. For example, if you are looking to add a basement extension or are working on a listed heritage building (read more about working on listed building here), it is best if you can work with a team who already have completed experience of these complex projects.

As designing your dream home can be an emotional project, it is important that you actually like and enjoy working with your architect! We would always advise you to work with someone who’s design work you admire, but also that you want to spend the next 6 / 12 months talking to.


What other benefits are there of working with an architect?  

Architects don’t just help create a beautifully designed homes and buildings, there is so much more that they can do to support your self-build project to make the process easier at each step.

During the planning process an experienced architectural team can help guide you, this is especially important if there should be any issues or objections to the application. The designs might need to be revised, or the application might be taken to planning appeal and then the architectural team will be able to systematically approach this to help achieve a positive outcome.

Architects’ co-ordinate other professionals needed on your project, such as the structural engineers, party wall surveyors and building control, ensuring all aspects of design are brought together and the design meets with building regulations and local restrictions.

At the tender process your architect can help you to reviewing contractor quotes, to check all aspects of the build are included as you might expect, to help you understand which option might be the best fit for you and your project.

Throughout the onsite construction stages having an architect involved can be hugely beneficial. By closely collaborating with your contractor, they can check the build is progressing in line with the design, to make sure the finished product turns out just as you imagined it. Additionally, they can be help to deal with any unexpected changes which often happen during a build, helping to quickly resolve design complications or material changes, so the end design is still in line with the concept designs.


If you are looking to start a self build project get in touch to see how we can help, at Studio BAD we are a talented team that are as excited in your project as you are.

Working on Listed and Heritage Buildings

In the UK we are fortunate to be surrounded by beautiful architectural buildings across multiple generations, in many towns and villages you can find a rich tapestry of architectural gems showcasing our living history. If you are lucky enough to own a heritage property then you might need to think a little more carefully before you undertake any renovations, extensions or alterations as you will probably need to get these approved in advance.

At Studio BAD we have in-depth experience working on listed and historic buildings, we have been fortunate to work on several interesting project schemes such as adding a contemporary extension to Holly Cottage, reimagining a Georgian townhouse in Southampton and reinstating a historic dwelling in rural Hampshire.

Through the design process we get asked many questions about working with listed buildings, so we thought we should share some of these with you. Please note that no two projects are the same, what is acceptable to one listed building is not necessarily acceptable for another and these notes are only intended as a guide.

It’s my house, why can’t I do what I want to?

Buildings are listed as they hold special architectural or historic interest, if you are lucky enough to own one of these properties you have an additional level of responsibility to preserve the building. This does not mean you cannot alter the property; you just need to have some additional permissions in place before you do to ensure the historic integrity of the building is kept intact.

Concept design for a contemporary extension to a heritage property in Whitchurch.

How do I know if my property is listed?

If you are not sure about the official status of your home you can easily check using the Historic England database, which you can find here.

When was a building listed?

The full details of a property listing are available on the Historic England site, including the date it was first listed and other information including the grade of listing, reasons for designation and a short history of the entry.

What makes a listed building?

There are three main principles when it comes to getting a building Listed: The age and rarity of the structure, the architectural or historic interest and any historical associations.

There are three main grades of listing in England:

  • Grade I – buildings of exceptional interest (around 2% of listed buildings)
  • Grade II* – buildings of particular importance and of more than special interest (around 4% of listed buildings)
  • Grade II – buildings of special interest, which represent an important part or our built heritage (around 95% of listed buildings)

It is worth remembering that grading can be changed where reevaluation takes place after damage or alterations, as more evidence of a building’s history or architectural quality is uncovered. 

The reimagined interior of St Margaret’s Church

Can a building be delisted?

It is very rare to have the listing of a building removed, however it is occasionally possible. Historic England will consider a review of a property listing provided it is accompanied by new evidence relating to the architectural or historic interest of the building. Please note that evidence about the building’s condition, cost of maintaining it or redevelopment plans, cannot be taken into consideration for delisting.

Can I extend my listed building?

Yes of course, having a listed building does not mean that it has a preservation order on it preventing any change, it just means that any change has to be carefully considered so it does not affect the special interest of the property.

Can I have a contemporary extension on a listed building

Yes! Having a heritage building does not mean you have to be stuck in the past with the architecture of any additions to the scheme. Often conservation officers will be keen for any extension to have a different architectural language from the original, to allow the history of the building to be easily read.

See our Holly Cottage project, where we successfully added a contemporary ground floor extension to create a modern kitchen and separate family room onto the listed property.

Can I demolish a listed building?

Sometimes this is possible, but you would need to have Listed Building Consent and Planning Permission in place before you were to do this. The conservation office assigned to you would make a decision on a case by case basis, taking into account the condition of the building, its function and other issues.

Is Listed Building Consent the same as Planning Permission?

No, these are separate permissions. Depending on the work you are looking to undertake it will determine if you need one or both in place before you start any work. The best place to start is either by speaking with your local authority Conservation Officer, or if you are working with a professional Architectural practice, they should be able to help advise you about what is needed for your specific project.

Listed Building Consent is the legal permission you need to have in place to alter your listed building, it is worth remembering that it is a criminal offense to alter your building without this in place first. The case officer will help to oversee the project and ensure that any alterations are in keeping with the original character of the building.

Planning Permission is needed for the majority of work done to the exterior of any property (some alterations fall under Permitted Development, but it is best to check with your Local Authority before you start) so this might also need to be in place if, for example, you were looking build a kitchen extension onto your Listed home.

Concept idea for a contemporary extension to a New Forest cottage.

Do I need planning permission when working on a Listed Building

Not always, planning permission is only needed for making alterations to the exterior of your home. You will not need planning permission for regular maintenance, or to change items such as the internal staircase or the fireplace, but you might still need to get Listed Building Consent for both of these examples.

How do I get permission for altering a Listed Building

When working with a Listed Building it is always best to engage with an experienced architect who has previously worked on Listed Buildings, with a proven track record in securing planning for similar projects to your own.

Once you know what alterations you are looking to do it is best to apply for Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent at the same time. For both of these you will need to prepare detailing drawings and documents that show the current state and the proposed changes.

Are listed buildings exempt from Energy Performance Certification (EPC)

Most properties need an EPC when you build, sell or rent them, but there are a few exceptions when this certification is not needed including if the property is listed, you can find more information here.

What is the Local Heritage Asset Register? (The Local List)

The Local Heritage Asset Register is a register of local heritage assets that may not quite meet the strict requirements for national listing, but that still make a significant contribution to the historic environment of their specific locality or district. To make any alternations to a locally listed property you might find there are some restrictions in place that you need to adhere to, an experienced architect or your local planning department will be able to help you understand what these might be.

The contemporary extension on Holly Cottage.

Can listed building consent be granted retrospectively

In short, yes it can be but it is always strongly recommended to get your permissions in place before you start any work, as it is a criminal offence to undertake unauthorised work to a listed building.

What is listed building curtilage

Curtilage listed, or listed by association, is a term used to describe buildings with the grounds (or curtilage) of a listed property which is also subjected to the listed building itself and will need to apply for listed building consent before any work is undertaken. These structures can often include boundary walls, outbuildings, farm buildings, coach houses or workers cottages which are located in the grounds of the principal listed building or was ancillary to the principal listed building at the time of listing.

We hope those FAQ’s have helped you get a better understanding of how to work on a listed building, as restrictions and regulations are always changing, we would recommend you speak to an architect (especially us!) or your local planners before starting any work.  From our experience working on a listed property does not rule out interesting architecture, it just means you have to be more mindful in what you are trying to achieve, your material choices and materials used, often resulting in a more interesting design solution.

Get in touch with us to discuss your heritage project, or for more general information you can find out more at Historic England.

New Forest House site progress

Last week we went to site to see the fantastic progress on our deep retrofit project, reimagining the existing Brockenhurst House dwelling in the heart of the New Forest National Park.

Our work has reimagined the distinctive 1970’s chalet house, adding an extension to reconfiguring the property alongside a full thermal upgrade to the property. The contractor has nearly finished on the main construction to a very high standard, leaving the smaller finishing touches to be completed by the owners. We are really looking forward to seeing this project complete very soon.

Site visits are really important for us in the design journey, they give us an opportunity to check in with the contractor and owner to help with any design issues that may have arisen, to ensure the finished project reflects the original design intention and is finished with the attention to detail our clients expect.

Brixham completes

We were down in Brixham last week for a site visit at our Harbour View project, which is now completed and is looking brilliant. Professional photos will be coming in the new year to show it properly, in the meantime please enjoy some quick snaps we took.

The house is in an amazing position, perched on a steep hill overlooking the harbour and offering spectacular views over the Breakwater and Torbay, but the original 1960’s bungalow did not take full advantage of the site.

Our design has extended and upgraded the property, transforming it into a contemporary family home. The design offers flexibility over how the house is lived in, prominently as a main residence but also with the ability to welcome three generations of the family to all be together over holidays.

Internally it was critical that our design did not just increase the space, but that it enhanced the quality of the internal space. We introduced large glazing which has increased the natural daylight deep within, whilst also improved the connectivity to the stunning coastal views on each level of the home.

We were thrilled with the results and can just imagine what a magical Christmas the whole family are going to have, gathered in their new home enjoying spectacular views from the warmth inside. We cannot wait to be back in early spring to take better photos, when everything has settled and the house looking like a home.

Cedar Wood near completed onsite

We are really proud to see our Cedar Wood project nearing completion, it is great to see our designs and ideas come into reality onsite and we cannot wait to see this home finish very soon.

The designs have retrofitted the existing home; extending and reconfiguring the space to transform the existing house and make it more suitable for the family life of the owners. As the home is set within a sensitive rural location the designs had to carefully alter the home without impacting the original mass or form, to reduce to impact on the surrounding area.

Once the work has been completed Cedar Wood will be a comfortable, low energy family home with flexibility built into the design so it can adapt to the many phases of their family life.

We look forward to sharing professional photos of the completed home very soon.