Neurodiverse friendly architecture: J.E.D.I. Talk

Earlier this year I was invited to take part in the J.E.D.I (Just Equality Diversity Inclusion) talk, hosted by RIBA NE as part of their ‘Change the Record’ Campaign Group. Chaired by Chithra Marsh, Associate Director at Buttress Architects, with other speakers along with myself on the panel including Nick Simpson from Leap Architects and Jean Hewitt, Inclusive Design, Associate at Buro Happold.

The discussion looked at how neurodiversity has affected us all, how it has impacted our personal and work lives, the way we approach work and how we can design with equality and inclusion in mind. Each speaker shared their own, hugely personal experience of this unseen disability, I urge you all to have a listen to the fascinating stories.

Very simply put we are all neurodiversity in different ways, there is no norm for everyone and how it can effect us. How we communicate, how we think, how we learn, these are all unique to the individual, there is no right and wrong, we just experience the world differently but there are ways we can make things easier.

I shared my own living experience; growing up with undiagnosed dyslexia I found the academic system incredibly difficult. After leaving school without achieving any GCSE’s I was fortunate to enter a youth training scheme where I was so lucky to find a lifelong mentor, and friend, in Roger Tyrell.

My route to architecture has not been a typical one. I gained vocational qualifications and entered university at 21, something I never thought would be a possibility for me. Interestingly it was only after I had submitted my first essay that my tutor noticed I might be dyslexic, something I had never heard of let alone thought I might be affected by. Architecture itself I find suits me, and how my brain works. I think differently and work at a different pace which suits how I design – I now see my dyslexia as a sort of superpower, which I have talked about before.

Jean Hewitt shared her recent work on Inclusive Design, PAS 6463, Publicly Available Specification. This work is the first step to becoming a formal standard, highlighting changes that should be embraced as the norm to help those with neurodiversity needs.

Obviously, it is difficult to have a design standard to fit all, as everyone is impacted differently by the environment around them. The study does important work to highlight areas designers might overlook, to help build better surroundings for everyone and it is well worth having a closer look at the full report. There were three key pull outs from PAS 6463; firstly, each environment should have clarity so people can find their way and not get lost. Secondly, each environment should give the user choice and control. Finally, that, if possible, there should be a calm place to escape to, a place of calm if things get overwhelming so individuals can reset and rejoin when ready.

My overall impression from the talk was of positivity, that everyone affected by some form of neurodiversity would not change their diagnosis. I hope everyone can learn to understands all neurodiversity’s should not be seen as a barrier to life, personal or in work. We are all different, but that ‘difference’ is often what makes us uniquely us.

Collaborative Process Exhibition

Last week we hosted our first exhibition, held at the awesome God’s House Tower in the heart of the old town of Southampton. The show was in part a celebration of Studio BAD’s 4th anniversary, and in part a commemoration of our collaborative process of working. The show looked at some of the key projects for our practice, past, present and future, that have been uniquely shaped by the way we work.

The show was a huge success, over the weekend we were honoured to welcomed over 300 people to the show. On the Saturday night we hosted a special drinks reception, a moment to stop, reflect and celebrate with our friends, colleagues and collaborators.

We worked with Reading University architectural students to create a centrepiece for the exhibition. We gave a design brief to design and build a prototype temporary ‘room within a room’ to sit within large internal spaces, as you often find within churches. The idea was to create a structure that can be used as a private space, to hold meetings, private contemplation or just to create a more comfortable, space smaller in scale.

The prototype device was built in-situ within God’s House Tower, creating a wonderfully warm room, which we have nicknamed the ‘Bishops Hat’ due to the overall space and detailing. Crafted from chip board with a Perspex window, laid out in a simple cross shape, the design offers a small scale room which is designed to fit comfortably within a church environment.

We would like to thank our sponsors of the event, University of Reading, Arts Committee, Eckersley O’Callaghan, Mesh Energy, Bentley SIPS Systems and Muse Coffee (who have defiantly fuelled this exhibition!) without all their support we could not have gone ahead with the event. We would also like to thank God’s House Tower; the team have been so helpful and the space is beautiful and so versatile.

Finally, we would like to thank the whole of the Studio BAD collaborative team, you can find the list of our team here, each and everyone has shaped the practice.  Studio BAD is a rich tapestry of all our skills, experience and heritage, the company has thrived from our collaborative approach and I could not be prouder of what we have all achieved together.

St Margaret’s Church Film

Working with the brilliant team at E&J Videography, we have put together a short film detailing our St Margaret’s Church. In the video we discuss the design and the concept behind it, by talking to key members of the team from all aspects of the church – management, end user and of course the design team.

St Margaret's Church Film

Tayseer completes her Part 3

I am so thrilled to be able to share the happy news that my colleague and friend, Tayseer Kardash, has successfully passed her Part 3 studies. This is a huge milestone for her as it marks the final step to becoming an official Architect in the UK.

We have known each other for many years now, through university and also working together when we were both at PAD studio. When I set up Studio BAD I was delighted that she agreed to come and join the team, I knew she would be a perfect fit for what I had set out to achieve. Over the many years we have known each other it has been amazing to see her develop and grown, into the confidant and talented architect she is today.

To become an official Architect in the UK takes a lot of dedication. To complete the studies will take at least 7 years, so even with the fairest of winds behind you this can be a long journey. Over Tayseer’s journey she has also had to contended with the pandemic, lockdown, living away from family and job uncertainty. Many of us would have understandably buckled under the weight, but it is a sign of Tayseer strength and persistence to keep going with the biggest smile on her face.

RIBAJ – Dyslexia article

I was honoured to be interviewed by Helen Castle for the RIBA Journal, for a recent article looking at dyslexia within the architectural industry. It was a refreshing take on how this difference to learning can be a huge positive, especially a creative industry like architecture, rather than the hinderance it was historically perceived.

Having lived with dyslexia myself I found the traditional school system particularly difficult, which I believe was partly due to having it undiagnosed for so long. I was fortunate that I was able to find my passion for architecture (through a Youth Training Scheme & a very inspiring teacher in Roger Tyrell) and found that my dyslexia is not an obstacle, but in many ways it feels like a ‘superpower’.

Dyslexia has made me a more creative person; I am more innovative and adaptive with how I work which I have found to be a huge benefit to the company and my clients. I often believe I listen harder than most to my clients, it is obviously important to take onboard what all stakeholders are saying but I am extra conscious to ensure I am not missing any detail. To back this up I always write notes and often sketch out ideas, all to double check that I have understood the client properly and we are on the same path.

As a lecturer at Reading University, my dyslexia give me the tools to have honest conversations with my students. I believe my story, and less traditional education path, helps to break down barriers as it shows everyone that architecture is available to all,  creative problem solving can come from every walk of life.

The full article can be found here, it also includes interviews with Hannah Durham, lecturer at Oxford Brookes University (who recently won a RIBA Journal Rising Star Award) and Karen Mosley, Managing Director of HLM Architects.

Sumita Singha for the next RIBA President!

Make the RIBA Work for ALL Members – Vote for Sumita!

The campaigns have started for the next RIBA President, with three candidates through to the final round to succeed Simon Allford and serve the RIBA members for the next two years.

Studio BAD are delighted to be nominating, supporting and assisting Sumita Singha with her campaign. Having worked and collaborated with Sumita over the years we believe she is the best candidate to tackle the current, challenging demands of this position and to bring about the ethical change we believe needs to happen.

To help you understand her values and position on the main challenges, here is an extract from her manifesto:

RIBA has the opportunity to not only support its members in the pursuit of these goals, but to establish itself as a leading industry body committed to effective, timely, and tailored support and sponsorship of its members’ activities. Let’s show other industries how it’s done!

There is much to be excited about. We can have a body of creative, progressive, and inclusive professionals who are committed to exploration, experimentation, and innovation, for the good of society.

Our actions must be underpinned by a commitment towards stopping environmental destruction, the climate crisis and societal justice. There is no time to waste!

Architects must design buildings and infrastructure that sustains, supports, and delights.

Education and practice must provide the right environment for us and our future colleagues.

We demand benefits for all RIBA members now. We ask that RIBA:

  1. Takes action to reduce business costs for all members
  2. Invests in benefits for RIBA members from outside London
  3. Introduces an ethical charter for employers and educators 

I will tackle these three areas of concern that can be achieved in two years of presidency and will benefit practitioners, employees, and students in practical ways

  1. For practitioners – Reduce insurance premiums – I will ask that competency tests be mutually recognised by professional bodies and that core CPD topics be offered with membership fees.
  2. A RIBA for ALL – RIBA in the Regions – I will press for a ‘RIBA presence’ in each of the 12 branches in the nations and regions of the UK to energise the volunteer commitment along with opportunities for members to network and meet with the regional staff.

    For members in other countries that feel excluded the UK based RIBA activities. I will press for a ‘RIBA presence’ facilitated by technology, with our valued members in the 115 countries it operates in.

    I would also like our headquarters to become a place of generosity for members, friends, and the visiting public, as such I will offer reduced rates for regional and International members to hire rooms at 66 Portland Place.  .

  1. For Employees and Future colleagues –
    Ethical charter – I will extend the remit of the ‘RIBA Compact’ to include an ethical charter for students and employees.  There will be zero tolerance for bullying and harassment, discrimination, and abusive behaviour in any place of learning- whether it be educational institutions or architectural practice.

    An annual Employers award – An award for employers who demonstrate the behaviours and modelling that is fundamental to the objectives set out above.

    Bringing Ethics into the Curriculum – I will advocate integrating into the curriculum a recognition and redress of predominant colonialist social narratives and emphasise the critical role that diversity and inclusion plays in fostering creativity, equity, and respect. 

A vote for Sumita will help save our profession, projects, and planet! For more information about Sumita you can find her at Twitter: Autotelic_Arch, Instagram: sumitasingha_riba, LinkedIn: Sumita Singha or

The RIBA Journal also carries interviews with all three candidates.

Please use your vote, it is open for all eligible RIBA members from 28 June to 26 July 2022, with results being announced on 2 August.